Im catching up on your live feeds 😂 my husband and I were dying laughing at your farm weekend story, "i mean does she realize thats not actually Jesus, I cant be the only one on drugs " 😂😂😂 youre so funny!
I love watching your video and you’re a really good cook. How did you learn how to cook on your live videos? I can’t wait to see more videos of you cooking
A lot of podcasters, or Authors go on tour and do venues and sell tickets. The Popcast, beautiful anonymous, murder with my husband, Annie F Downs….Some of the things they do is have a live show, talking and making a podcast, maybe have special guests geared towards the area they are in. It is easier for some with no kids and no other responsibilities? Something to look into?
I’m watching right as I’m going to bed and I died laughing at the “horny for the horn” comment and honestly that just made my night and I’ll be going to sleep with a smile on my face. Thanks so much for these live Thursdays Laura so much fun and I hope to actually catch one live so I can actually interact with you. Oh and I’m now in Yankton with my boyfriend so I’m really excited to finally start trying your recipes with him and see how they turn out. Lots of love Laura and have a blessed day❤
You guys are killing me with the Jesus angelic-teeth 😁 thingy w/that lady praying to the dude…tooooooo funny😂😆 And then Mike's janky 🍔🌭 comments – haaaah!!!!!!😅😅😅
I had a blast laughing with ya'll😂 and cooking-n-such, LOVE THIS RECIPE seemed like I WAS THERE TOO!!! Love you guys…you are my HAPPY PLACE fo-sho 😅
~Much Love from #1 fan 'Sher Bear' in Palm Springs 🌴 ❤️ (pleeeeez come to Cali Ms Laura, WE LOOOOVE Y♡U out here!!!!!) BIG TIME❣️🤗
I'm so out of touch. Been a long time fan but honestly been so busy I haven't even really been on your channel in a while (mainly because I usually sit with a glass of wine and just vibe with you which I haven't been able to do in so long) and now I'm here and you have a new book???!! Now I know what I'm buying myself as a fun gift. It's going to sit right beside your other book.
Laura I've been watching you on YouTube for at least 10 years. Just watched your recipe for Pastiera again. Thanks for all your wonderful recipes, Buona Pasqua.
I love your stories, always make me laugh , of course here for your recipes! Please don't eliminate the happy hour drinks! The ideas for cocktails are wonderful.
Also love your cookbook. I have been making stuff left and right out of it. Latest was cauliflower fritters… amazing and my 2.5 year old loves them. Next up the lasagna.
I'm also happy that you put the pasticcotti in there! I was hoping you had a recipe for those at some point.
Anytime I want to make something I Google Laura Vitale__ your a rockstar.
Great show I have used your recipes for years. You are so talented & you do a lot. Take time out for yourself. Very important. I'm a social worker & I noticed when you said you feel down some days. It may be worth looking into some woman supportive counseling for yourself. I know you have family support, but you may need something else. Lv Virginia ps I'm Italian & the oldest. ❣️🌹💐😻🙏🏼🐰🐑🐣
Thanks for a fun video. I want you to know, it is so helpful to hear that pizza Rustica is meant to be served room temp. I searched all over the place to try and find out that very answer. I grew up in an Italian family, but I never ate anything traditional. My folks were “ doing it the all American way…all the way”. I am 74 and learning more about the Italian way👍
Im catching up on your live feeds 😂 my husband and I were dying laughing at your farm weekend story, "i mean does she realize thats not actually Jesus, I cant be the only one on drugs " 😂😂😂 youre so funny!
Your my new cook, l am going to make the vodka pasta, u r a trip, l make the chicken and potatoes it's great, have to run, enjoy
From Harrisburg Pennsylvania
I love watching your video and you’re a really good cook. How did you learn how to cook on your live videos? I can’t wait to see more videos of you cooking
Read “Virgin Snow” by Moxie Gardener. A great book about an Italian girl.
Mia is so cute 🥰 and funny 😁
From Cincinnati Ohio, warm today in the 70’s BUT down to rainy and 50’s tomorrow, Happy Easter
Happy Easter
What kind od potatoes are they
Funny my dad would call me gina potatoes because i always loved potatoes since i was a baby😊
Eastport long island
Making pizza rustica n torte spinach pie ❤
Making your easter bread again it's just like I remember ❤as a kid ? How far in advance would you make it to be fresh😊
A lot of podcasters, or Authors go on tour and do venues and sell tickets. The Popcast, beautiful anonymous, murder with my husband, Annie F Downs….Some of the things they do is have a live show, talking and making a podcast, maybe have special guests geared towards the area they are in. It is easier for some with no kids and no other responsibilities? Something to look into?
I’m watching right as I’m going to bed and I died laughing at the “horny for the horn” comment and honestly that just made my night and I’ll be going to sleep with a smile on my face. Thanks so much for these live Thursdays Laura so much fun and I hope to actually catch one live so I can actually interact with you. Oh and I’m now in Yankton with my boyfriend so I’m really excited to finally start trying your recipes with him and see how they turn out. Lots of love Laura and have a blessed day❤
You guys are killing me with the Jesus angelic-teeth 😁 thingy w/that lady praying to the dude…tooooooo funny😂😆 And then Mike's janky 🍔🌭 comments – haaaah!!!!!!😅😅😅
I had a blast laughing with ya'll😂 and cooking-n-such, LOVE THIS RECIPE seemed like I WAS THERE TOO!!! Love you guys…you are my HAPPY PLACE fo-sho 😅
~Much Love from #1 fan 'Sher Bear' in Palm Springs 🌴 ❤️ (pleeeeez come to Cali Ms Laura, WE LOOOOVE Y♡U out here!!!!!) BIG TIME❣️🤗
I'm so out of touch. Been a long time fan but honestly been so busy I haven't even really been on your channel in a while (mainly because I usually sit with a glass of wine and just vibe with you which I haven't been able to do in so long) and now I'm here and you have a new book???!! Now I know what I'm buying myself as a fun gift. It's going to sit right beside your other book.
Depression cured ❤
Im watching from England ❤
Loved this episode. So much like my kinda friend.
Hi Laura I’m from Connecticut it’s cold here
Thanks for a fun video 🐰 Happy Easter
Laura I've been watching you on YouTube for at least 10 years. Just watched your recipe for Pastiera again. Thanks for all your wonderful recipes, Buona Pasqua.
This is Ina from rainy Panama City Fl
Hi Laura,Joe,Mike I'm Edward from West Virginia.
Yummy. Making this tomorrow 😊. Also, may try drink with Gin too
Ban him, he was so rude to you last time and i was upset and felt bad for Laura and this show.
I love your stories, always make me laugh , of course here for your recipes! Please don't eliminate the happy hour drinks! The ideas for cocktails are wonderful.
I LoVe A Great Cocktail 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🍻🍻 Cheers 🍹🍹🍷🍸🍷🍸🥂🥂 Always Glad To See You In Youe Element!!! Cmon Mike 💗💓💗💓💗🥂🥂
“Im an independent womannnn … until i dont wanna be” ❤😂 yasssss Laura
The 3 different one ceviche convo between you and joe is so cute and hilarious “ARE YOU TRYNA PISS ME OFF” 🤣🤭❤️
❤ these tasty Thursdays!
Also love your cookbook. I have been making stuff left and right out of it. Latest was cauliflower fritters… amazing and my 2.5 year old loves them. Next up the lasagna.
I'm also happy that you put the pasticcotti in there! I was hoping you had a recipe for those at some point.
Anytime I want to make something I Google Laura Vitale__ your a rockstar.
Tasty Thursdays!! 🎉 what a show!
10 cows didn’t eat chickens lol I got it right away and I never get this type of joke lol
Enjoyed every bit of last night! Please don’t take away Papa Sal🙏.. You are simply the best cook Laura. 😀.. 🏮🏮🏮
Tipsy Laura is the BEST! Everything looks great thank you for sharing with us!
Great show I have used your recipes for years. You are so talented & you do a lot. Take time out for yourself. Very important. I'm a social worker & I noticed when you said you feel down some days. It may be worth looking into some woman supportive counseling for yourself. I know you have family support, but you may need something else. Lv Virginia ps I'm Italian & the oldest. ❣️🌹💐😻🙏🏼🐰🐑🐣
Thanks for a fun video. I want you to know, it is so helpful to hear that pizza Rustica is meant to be served room temp. I searched all over the place to try and find out that very answer. I grew up in an Italian family, but I never ate anything traditional. My folks were “ doing it the all American way…all the way”. I am 74 and learning more about the Italian way👍
Chester County PA – Been following you for 12 years~ Your amazing, real good foods, down to earth! Cent Anni to you!!