Which one is your favorite? If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here: https://amzn.to/2GJ2xvv Subscribe to Tasty: …
Alix & Rie's Best Cookie Recipes • Tasty

Which one is your favorite? If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here: https://amzn.to/2GJ2xvv Subscribe to Tasty: …
Interest questions:
What did you do with all the rest of the food ?!
If nothing you know with who to give
Me 😁
Jolly lancher
What is your favourite dessert 🧁
Me: I want cookies
Tasty producers: hold our spatulas 🙄✋
Who wants to see Alvin, Rie, Katie, Jasmine and Alex all get together and bake something together?
I made the multi flavoured cookie, it was good except that you should cook it for 20 minutes instead of 30 for a tastier bake!
Alix: these cookies are similar to a short bread but they are little bit different because they have a secret ingredient that ingredient is-
Me: STOP! it's a secret so I don't wanna hear it cuz it's a secret and I don't wanna see reply say the ingredient
Tomorrow is my birthday 🎂 😆
7:18 I understand that it's a really sad thing to say.
Alix: this is my Grandma recipe, it's very dear to me
Rie: Yeah I found this in Instagram and I copied it
Me: (Face palm) no originality
Alix is so good
The oreo dome reminds me of a checker board
Who thought ries dish in the thumbnail looked like a simple dimple-
y did u do this video u should not have a competation between colleges
Is it just my grandma who didn’t make cookies but made something else like meat with a secret ingredient that made it taste amazing and without it, it wasn’t the same with a bowl of rice lol
Alix- dOnT sMeLl iT….. It SmELlS BAd
Also Alix- sMeLls It…..
Yay! This was posted on my birthday!
Alix is my favorite tasty cheff
Nobody: Yt caption: hI IM RhEa
Alix look like Jojo Siwa in normal mood
Rie: "…something that I want to include to my video, that something that anyone can make AT HOME"
Also Rie: *hosts Make it Fancy
that last one kinda represents that we humans are all equal
Why does the title say "cookie" when alix Makes A oreo Cake?
Also Alex: *smells it*
Alex again: *makes a disgusted noise*
Me: Well you got what you deserved.
Just kidding, I love Alex.:D
Rie should really open a restaurant
No body noticed this but when alix shows her grandma's photos, her (presumably) mother looks exactly like her like.. Same
Alix: Makes her grandmas cookies to honor her grandma
Rie: Makes Trendy aquarium cookies
lol i am cracking up
You look beautiful alix
Make it fancy or make it simple
Ugh why does the apple ad keep on playing
Rie and Alvin and Alex are the best Cookers on tasty
Now that i come to think of it.Grandma Bonnie seems really nice.Also,rie's the best chef at tasty.she is super cute and nice and funny!!!!!!!!!!!
Rie's smile is so……. BIG