The Woodwind pellet grill can grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, BBQ and sear. Get grilling with Camp Chef …
This Grill Can Cook an Entire Meal (Including Dessert)!

The Woodwind pellet grill can grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, BBQ and sear. Get grilling with Camp Chef …
I cringed so hard at 0:27.
Bare hands.
This is a commercial.
I don't like the advertisements either guys but they're just doing it to support their business we don't know their situation
the grill looks like an amplifier.
Oh boy, more shameless ads masking as recipe videos. If this is the new normal with tasty then “unsubscribe” will be my path
That dude grabbed that plan off the grill with his bare hand
was this a recipe video or an ad?
You could at least be open about this being a sponsored video or an outright ad. Most people understand the need for you to make money with paid ads or sponsored videos, but it feels like a deception when you treat it like regular content.
Not liking how you've sold your soul to these paid products. Go back to creating real recipes. Otherwise change your channel name.
Awesome & Tasty Grill
I dont know why but i wred “girl” instead of “grill” and i was like ???? Whats so special about that. And after i finished the video i realized that it said grill.
clicks link this damn grill is $900 ?!!!!!
Paid advertisement notice?
Stop with the fucking ads!
Ah yes being a teen with nothing better to do (80% of this channel's audience) I really must consider selling a kidney to buy this grill
Dont tell me ur getting sponsored and every vid is gonna be about whatever is sponsoring this
Yeah baby
It's a grill…you showed me a grill, that can grill…sweet
I luv watching dis…without da intenstion on making it 🙂
the redeeming channel from buzzfeed
cause sjws are gay
Heyyy I don't see no grill in this video!
Who watches tasty everyday ?
Use the metric system ffs!
American Dream
Help us get to the Global Round!
Yeah, so can my grill and thousands of others.
Why does the food look so fake?
Yea… The grill is like how much? And if I order within the next 30 minutes how much will it be?
Fucking ad what a piece of shit video and channel
Oh by grill you actually mean grill….
You did not put a music credit for the kick ass harp playing. Where can I find this?
There’s also this other thing called an Airfryer and it’s awesome. I mean I don’t think it does steak but basically you can put chicken wings in and it will cook it without the need of oil.
very nice dish