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We Learned How To Make Pizza Like A Pro

Shop the Tasty kitchenware collection here: Check us out on Facebook! – Credits: …
“in naples we don’t use knife and fork”. they don’t use knife and fork in ny either lol, what lunatic eats pizza with knife and fork??
4:07 eat nipples??
I usually don’t like foreign accents (I’m from the US) but for some reason this mans accent is soo attractive lol. And yes Ik it’s Italian but i typically don’t find Italian accents appealing but for some reason his is 😂
Real pizza
Mans got moves
We should start 2021 with this lovebirds!
Western women have no shame.
"it's juicy" that's what she said 😉
1:58 balkan
He was full on flirting with her
They make pizza
everyone in comments section : hAvE sEx
Stop it you guys
Pizza is not what dominoes sells
Bkwasss it was not looking like a pizza but like the Indian Roti ….more hit like who agre?
3:00 my man is thirsty…
She Cute
He's a man of culture 😜
Beautiful chemistry
Pizza time
i guess fabio wasnt kneading dough only this day
Apart from the sexual tension part, i always come back to hear him saying "Zis modzerella"🤣
Edit: No offense to Italian people but i find it funny
What'll the tasty workers think about these comments