Today I am being lead by my friend, and fellow Vegan Youtuber Liv B through one of the recipes from her new vegan cookbook …
BLIND COOKING CHALLENGE WITH LIV B | Vegan Gingerbread Cake With Caramel Sauce | The Edgy Veg

Today I am being lead by my friend, and fellow Vegan Youtuber Liv B through one of the recipes from her new vegan cookbook …
Being vegan and blind is not hard it was simply learning to do a few things differently like oven mitts that go up to my shoulders
Fun! <3
The recipe is too easy!
You both are adorable!! Love the collaboration!
Baking is hard but you are a amazing chef in general so don't be too hard on yourself my husband loves your recipes and he doesn't plan on becoming vegan so we all have strengths and weaknesses
Candice, I can't really bake either. I find it wired that I follow instructions and yet I mess up. Like you I stick to cooking
OMG I love both of you!!!!
i love your blouse, candice
and obviously i love u two in one video
I think presentation wise, they both turned out amazing!
Candice, where is this top from?! Love it!
I loved this challenge type video <3 More please <3
Funny storyyyyy. Over the holidays I tried to make Liv's recipe for gluten free gingerbread cookies and mine looked super weird like your cake! I thought once they baked they'd be fine but they came out super flat and crunchy. I was so confused but now I don't feel so bad. lollll
I honestly love this! You guys should collaborate more often! (Also, the music was so calming. Love.)
Super fun concept! Crazy how they turned out so different. lol
Cute cute!
Both my fav channels in one place. Yay
Liv is queen of baking
´You fucked this up´ omg, hahahaha
This was fun, you both are very nice..
You guys are funny! Watched both and enjoyed.
Liv B made Candice bake. I couldn't trust someone who made me do that because like The Edgy Veg I can't bake, it always turns out wrong.
Can it still be a ginger bread with out the molasses? I’m allergic to sugar, which means molasses, agave, brown rice syrup, coconut, palm, white, brown sugars . I only use fruits, like dates to sweeten my baked goods.
This was great!

Please give us the recipe for the orange whipped cream!!!
OMG this two girls are collaborating
They are my fav vegan youtubers

Love both of you ladies!
Love this! So fun to watch!
Love you two, so great to see you collab!
This was priceless to watch. I love that I'm not alone in the crappy baking realm LOL
Baking is not beyond you, Candice! You just need to do it until you develop the skills, and then you will be as good at that as you are at cooking. I sucked as a baker when I was younger, but today it is my strongest skills set[I'm a professional vegan cook]. This was fun, and TFP : )
Hey Candice! I really like your Earth day video last year where you talked about products to help reduce waste. Maybe this year you can talk about how to make vegan choices in an environmentally responsible way (primarily addressing the issue of a lot of vegan staple foods being extremely water consuming). I’m trying to switch to vegan but struggle with the environmental impacts of increased consumption of things like nuts and avocados. .. tips?
This was funny! I am not a baker, either, and can offer my heartfelt sympathy for your dense and gooey finished cake…..mine would be sunk in the middle, so you’re way ahead of me.
Love this concept. <3
Wow, I love Liv and it's awesome to see you with her!!!
Both look yummy

love this video! would be great as a series ♡
I ordered the book yesterday. That looks so good, but everything Liv makes looks amazing.
Both still look delicious but yours is totally what mine would look like! I'm not great at baking!
Perfect collab!! I’d love to see you two plus Lauren Toyota <3 would be the absolute best
I loved this challenge! Candice's vs Liv's cake was hilarious with the night out analogy LOL