Cheesecake seems pretty fancy, but where did it actually come from? On another episode of Edible History, Hannah Hart dives …
I Tried To Make A 2,000-Year-Old Cheesecake Recipe • Tasty

Cheesecake seems pretty fancy, but where did it actually come from? On another episode of Edible History, Hannah Hart dives …
The Greeks invented the cheesecakes not the Romans
I will take the 2 containers on the shelf. The blue and pink flowers.
Sorry but the pronunciation is incorrect. Is not "souilla" or "sowilla" but SAVILLUM:
-SA like SAturday
-VI like VIsualization
-LLUM like LUMinosity (but with the double "L")
Thanks for reading my advice 😘
Olive oil aint authentic tho.
I started to watch this video to make cheese cake but ended up laughing instead this is my new favorite cooking channel
funnyest video of tasty XDDD
Awesome video Hannah. The face you made while pouring out the curdled milk gets me every time, so funny I love it
Make ancient piZza
Not to gross you out or anything but.. it looks like vomit
Am I the only one who noticed how the poppy seeds redistributed themselves after being brought out of the oven…?
I wish I could make this but I don't have lemons and I can't go outside ;-;
Binge watching. And its now 10:05 pm here and o have work for 5 am lol but….i needs too right lol❤🇹🇹
One thing that I have to point out is that using lemons for the cheese-making process would have been anachronistic for the time of Cato the Elder. Lemons were introduced to the Italian peninsula around 350 years after Cato died. The cheese originally used in the recipe was probably made with rennet, which would have imparted a stronger flavor.
Hannah : making cheesecake
me: well now i want some cheesecake
me: ( remembering that i have made a cheesecake and its in the fridge chillin )
Cooking with Hanna is soooooooo freaking fun
Indians also have an ancient dish called "chhenna poda" with the exact same ingredients+caradamom but without eggs and it it tastes more crumbly and caramelized. I tried making that and it came out awesome.
3:11 idk why I laughed so hard 😂
munf munf carpet
I'm in the era where Video calling is necessary than once was an option to communicate with people in long distance.
You look desmond in hi ho kids because of your hair 😅😁
"when we use our cheesecloth and give it a little squeeze we end up with some cheese" witty hahaha
did someone say swiftwind?
Lover her 😂 when she said gentleman’s farm all I could think about was a farmer planting Monicals and sitting at the foot of the bed watching for the spouting of top hats 🤣😂🤣😂
I love her humour! 😁
That's not how cheese was discovered at all! It was discovered by carrying milk in the stomach of a young animal which contain the enzymes to turn the milk into cheese
This is similar to the recipe my step-mom uses.
3:06 congratulations you learnt to make paneer.
The cheese that you made is specifically known as paneer
Indians can relate
Do you think this sarcastic woman is a chef?, this is a horrible experience…
is that attiki honey then
3:23 it reminded me of that egg fried rice woman
i like you, Hannah, yer funny …