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About the Author: Marvellous Recipes


  1. Only just found this and a great explanation of how to cook Carbonara, always reminds me of a great friend (sadly passed) who cooked it in a huge wok up in the mountains above Loch Torridon many years ago. RIP Bill

  2. I think you have to do the plate of your culture… Or …have a better reaserch of the way to do the plate… You doesn't make carbonara… You make a murder…

  3. I remember when I first watched this, I made carbonara right away. But when I added the pasta water, my thumb went into the water and I HORRIBLY burned my finger. Never did the water again EVER but I still remember the recipe ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Young lady, you should NOT add the parmesan, but at least you went the half & half route… but still! Also, NO OLIVE OIL! The meat is naturally flavorful enough, IF GOOD MEAT, with the wonderful fat it was born with. Finally, WTF is up with HIDING the dish with the GREEN stuff?!?
    Almost forgot_ WHAT'S WITH THE GARLIC? We NEVER use the garlic. There is NO reason to take away from the taste. Shame On You! You must be like me, maybe: HUGE garlic lover – hee hee. But really, LEAVE the garlic out, folks. TRUST ME!
    What you created was NOT the same as we do in Italy. This is NOT what we call the wonderful dish Pasta Carbonara.
    But I bet YOUR version taste great!โœจ๐Ÿค—โœจ

  5. Assassins! Did you really go to culinary school? Where ? Do they offer refunds? Hon they taught you wrong! Carbonara has NO OIL, NO GARLIC, YOU DON'T ADD EGGS LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW! Water before the sauce in the pan? Eggs,cheese and pasta are to be mixed in a separate bowl not in the hot pan! God my arteries are ready to pop, why teaching people things you don't know. Any way this is exactly what not to do.

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