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About the Author: Marvellous Recipes


  1. You are so wonderful and so sincere. I am 43 yrs old and love to cook. I stumbled upon ur web page today for the 1st time and wish i did years ago. God bless you for all the love and patience and skill that you put into your cooking. Im going to start this weekend trying ur recipes.

  2. Hello, kindly tell me if you are using a oven or a grill? What kind of pizza stone is that a wood ? Is it save i mean will this not cause fire 🔥
    Please do reply im waiting to try this as well looks soooo good.xx

  3. Hi man Julia ji I like ur recipe I making this roti last night roti is came out very well but roti is stiking pizza stone I buy new pizza stone can u tell me how to use thanks

  4. Dear Manjula ji, I hope you take my comment in a positive way, I have no intention here to hurt or bring any negative feeling, I am just sharing my experience. I am NOT a professional cook but I know at least that a tandoori roti is supposed to have only Atta (Whole Wheat flour), and if you intend to, you may add a little salt which is also not mandatory. We don't need to mix anything else (maida, sugar, etc) because then we are taking away the plain authenticity that a roti is supposed to have. What you made, I would call it "Roti Naan" and NOT "Tandoori Roti". Keep the good work you are doing, I do enjoy watching your videos but at the same time, would like to provide my honest feedback. Take care and best wishes… Namasté, Sat Sri Akal!!

  5. Great recipe! thanks! I was about to throw away my old pizza stone ( I am not at that age to eta pizza much) but found that Indian roti are  fit my dietary needs ( no yest in them and yet very tasty). Now I'll surprise my family with roti baked so simply.

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