Have you ever heard of the Virgin Islands? Try Shanique’s recipe for one of their signature dishes! Reserve the One Top: …
Virgin Islands Pates

Have you ever heard of the Virgin Islands? Try Shanique’s recipe for one of their signature dishes! Reserve the One Top: …
I've never quite seen any patty this gargantuan
My Jamaican friend from UK made me this once but the crust was very croissant like? It was fantastic…
I'm from St.Croix and I remember eating beef patties by the beach. Some of the best times of my life. Great to see videos like this
“to feel proud of this dish” – Sinful
Good job cousin!!!
Big up Sis. I love seeing our culture and cuisine promoted in a positive way!

Now I feel like eating Pate lol
All islands in the caribbean makes patties. They are not called V.I. Patties………….it's a caribbean thing
Im from St. Croix and we eat these all the time
Lil Bo Peep. Those were the days.
Big up to my people dem
That looks so good!!!
I feel proud. I grew up eating pates at Coki Point on STT back in the day

My Bf is from the Virgin Island, I’m Haitian we call it the same but do it differently. I want to surprise him by making this for him. Thank you for sharing
Greetings ! Thank You for sharing your time n talents! Can please post the ingredients of the dough. Can this dough also use as fry bread too!

I have lost my training , an has been labeled as a freshwater yankee!
Please help! Thank You!
Ps! Do you have any tart recipe also!
That shop was “Little Bo Peep” and I went to that same high school!
I do feel proud.

oh no oh no no no oh noooo
It's like empanada in the Philippines
Say, has anybody ever made a dish combining both "types" of pate (as in a Virgin Island pate filled with French Pate)?